Congrats to Lakers....15 titles....congrats to Zen master...can he coach the Olympic team in 2012 just on GP...congrats to Kobe sans Shaq...4rings....perfect transition....in my last post I spoke about my affinity for the post game affair of the NBA playoffs...I luv it...another insight into players...that's genuine...also glimpse @ how that media relationship truly jumps off...back to the affinity....I truly luv AI for bringing his kids to the post game during the nba finals/playoffs during his run...bc it totally ran contrary to how his image was being portrayed...thug/braids...and he had his kids on the podium celebrating his highest professional success...I luved it...fast forward to 2009...and Kobe with the halftime theatre with wifey....and the kids in the tunnel...wifey kiss and the beautiful daughters...is that necessary...especially post Colorado, post housekeeper claims of wifeys’ uncivil behavior...appearance of extra....Kobe on court is now #24...1 over Jordan...so, Lakers win 4-1 over Magic....swag should be crazy...u close out on the road...luv it...so D Fish...huge in the finals/playoff history...president of player union...has wifey @ his side during on-court post-game interviews....why?....Kobe has the whole family on the court...wife in Elvira purple gown...and beautiful twins in Lakers uni's..why?....I luv the post-game for the spontaneity of the moment...for those who killed it during the game to express on the spot....this other shit is reality tv shit....Bynum had his mom on the podium...why?....family please with all respect take your rightful positions in the background....respectfully...you are the rock and core...not really for human consumption...if so...u run that risk of reality tv....call ryan seacrest....
check out cottonandrubber.blogspot.com all the time...
Funny you should make mention of the post game pageantry that took place these finals. It was as sickening as it was bewildering. D Stern is at his wits end trying to figure out the next marketing slogan for his NBA; The Family Game should not be it. There is nothing Amazing about that! Kobe has done a lot to resurge his image after Colorado, well, more like after demanding to be traded. (How soon we forget) but it he is the only person who needs to reignite his persona. Especially, when competing for the spotlight with the young new comer, now old man, in Cleveland. D Fish is a walking story on his own and should not need the extra attention of his love interest in order to command some face time but the Lake Show has now become the Cosby Show and the more PDA you can amass I assume the better. Andrew Bynum is on his way to a Shawn Kemp personal battle of a career. It wouldn't surprise if I began to hear stories about clinical depression or in a few years cocaine mirrors and rasors left on the bathroom counter of the locker room. Having his mother present should come as no surprise. For Uncle Stern it falls right in line. Remember when Stackhouse 2-pieced Jeff Hornaceck? Stack's mother went to press and said if he ever had another incident like that again SHE would pull him from the league. Laughable!!
ReplyDeleteJust imagine, with all those family members present on the podium accepting the Larry O'Brien trophy what would the cartoon charicature t-shirt of yesteryear look like???