The NBA playoffs are always amazing......the NBA makes that emotional/personal connection....I truly enjoy the post game interviews...it is that rare glimpse into players and coaches psyche....the pageantry is removed....the heat/thrill excitement is a calm gentleman's discourse....my favorites this playoff season has been Rashard Lewis.....nothing too eloquent...just real/raw and insightful....Kobe is always on...Lebron was cool until that fateful game 7 exodus....where he chose to sidestep and don a yankees cap....his prerogative...but u gotta know folks is gonna chirp....as coaches go for post game interviews....I will stop what I'm doing to hear the Zen master-Phil Jackson....sidebar u gotta figure Phil should always be the 1st choice to coach any Olympic team.....if not wtf...
as the Finals have ended....I would like to pass on my appreciation for the young gentleman haberdashery of the NBA from D-wade's collegiate look w/matching accessories, the stones in the earrings match the band aids under the eye....Kobe’s business attire aka MJ's zoots back in the 90's....not mad MJ’s the only cat I know...showing up to games like he was going into the office and anybody was wearing the same shit Ron Harper, Scottie Pippen...Kobe would look lovely...fitted in Yohji or Comme des garcons.....Lebron body of a greek god has showed range from a fitted DB...that he had to unbutton to sit down. -sidebar Bron should have done that post-game standing up....
to Military jackets with fabric ties...Chris Paul is adorable...the foreign dudes always show style T.Parker @ french open w/ Eva suede/blazer-all in all NBA cats are stuck...tired as shit after the game...way too focused too really care...I tip my hat to those wgaf enough to give me a glimpse...thank you to the trying stylist...who for the most part are concerned friends....and yes if u have some time after the hoopla/game check out a post-game.....u might learn more about the dude other than what u read or a soundbite....
I can't agree with you more about the attention to detail, and lack there of, paid by caring friends who, for the most part are earning their keep....Granted, fatigued and adrenalin fused I still need a guy earning a million plus to speak eloquently when a microphone is placed in front of him. As well as use proper subject verb agreement and know how to use the multi-syllable words they think will make them sound intelligent....I must beg to differ about the NBA's attempt at making the Coach more personable...Shouldn't he be concentrating on drawing the next play, managing his substitution pattern, protecting the lead or trying to figure out how to avoid having Anthony Carter inbound the ball for the last possession instead of talking to Doris Burke or whatever nonthreatening sideline reporter they have posted that is supposed to attract the opposite sex? Or in the case of Craig Sager, anything with a pulse and a penchant for Marv Albert styled bestiality? Please let the coaches do their jobs or pretend to concentrate on doing them (Mike Brown) as I try to get glimpses of Player Exclusive kicks on court acts....