Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pursuit of the Apple

My first Apple computer was an iBook. It was my first real adult purchase with the aid of an Apple loan and I was a Sophomore in college. I got my first iPod, the second generation, that same year. Since that year I was an official Apple user. I first applied to work for Apple a few years ago. I got an interview, but was offered another opportunity that I couldn't say no to. So fast foward to the present and here I sat in a conference room with about 29 others applying for a spot with Apple. Lucky me during introductions, I got to go towards the end, giving me ample time to prepare my statement. Little did I know, this would be the first of a few interviews before getting a yes or no. So the group interview consisted of a presentation of videos and speeches extolling Apple. There was also a pop quiz. So I came away feeling pretty confident, but it would take a week to get an answer. I got invited back for a one to one interview, where I met a fellow interviewee, who experienced six interviews before being pass over and was back again for another chance. Now that's determination. I got through the second interview to play the waiting game again to be invited back for a third interview. My third and final interview was two managers and me. I was starting to feel like a professional at interviewing. The following day I was offered a position. The first day of training, standing with other new hires, A door to a hotel meeting room opened up. Sounds of applause erupted from inside welcoming us all into the pursuit of Apple.

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